Code Review Best Practices

Did you know it should be written?

Steven Curtis
7 min readJun 10, 2023
Photo by Ayo Ogunseinde on Unsplash

Who better to read and investigate your code than your peers. They know the type of problems that you are working on, and are also working to the set of code standards as you. In fact, if you are lucky then you’ll working on the same project together.

Who better to comment?

Who better to find bugs than those who have a stake in the code quality of the end product?

In order to set this up in your organisation you might want to read this article. You’re welcome!

Why review?

Many code shops are committed to code quality. One way of promoting this is to use an automated Code Quality system (such as SonarQube), and a linter like SwiftLint to enforce style and conventions.

Automation of Code Reviews is fantastic. However, there are some benefits of human Code Reviews that aren’t offered by automated processes:


You can motivate staff through a series of factors and cultural norms. One of these can be your code review system, that is when you know someone will read and look at your work. Unclear code, those TODOs that never seem to get implemented…when a developer feels that someone is looking at their work they are much…

