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Compare Dictionaries with a Value of Any type (Swift)

Comparing a Type of Any? No problem!

Steven Curtis
3 min readApr 15, 2020
Photo by Pisit Heng on Unsplash

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging

Whilst going through Apple’s guide “Storing Keys in the Keychain” I noticed one thing.

The queries are of type [String: Any] , so I want to test the creation of the query.

I’ll need to test the keys and values of type String and Any are created correctly, respectively.

I’ll need to compare Any value types. :(


  • Be able to produce a “Hello, World!” iOS application (guide HERE)
  • Knowledge of Swift’s Equatable protocol (guide HERE)
  • Knowledge of Swift’s Hashable protocol (guide HERE)

Some knowledge of:

  • Value and reference types (guide HERE)


Any: An instance of any type, including function types

Dictionary: The association between keys and values (where all the keys are of the same type, and all values are of the same type)

Equatable: A protocol that can be applied to a type to allow value equality



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