Instruct Your View With A ViewModel: Should It Be A Class or a Struct?

Another choice?

Steven Curtis
3 min readDec 1, 2022
Photo by Drew Saurus on Unsplash

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging

This article has been developed using Xcode 12.0.1, and Swift 5.3


struct: An object defined in Swift, using pass by value semantics

class: An object that defines properties and methods in common


- Be able to create a basic Swift application

- You might also like to see the following video to help you out with the differences between Structs and Classes —

There are a couple of different ways you can create your ViewModel if you implement the MVVM architecture.

If you’d prefer a video, don’t worry — I’ve got you covered:

A comparison project

I’ve created a simple project that has one view using a class for the view model, and one using a struct for the view model.

We can see the two view models (see the rather rubbish function that can print to the console).

