SwiftUI MVVM with Networking
It can’t be that hard!
Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging
This article has been developed using Xcode 12.1, and Swift 5.3
If you want to develop any sort of `SwiftUI
` application you
- You will be expected to make a Single View SwiftUI Application in Swift.
SwiftUI: A simple way to build user interfaces Across Apple platforms
The motivation
You will need to create nicely featured Apps. They are going to (probably) make network calls. This means that you need to develop an architecture that is going to support this in your development.
Let’s go MVVM
The basic architecture
The Main view (which I’ve creatively called ContentView
) is instantiated with a view model which is creatively called ContentViewModel
Therefore in the SceneDelegate
contentView is created with let contentView = ContentView(viewModel: ContentViewModel())
My ContentView
isn’t going to do anything in this case, apart from creating a reference to the view model