The MVP Architecture for iOS

Another avoidance of Massive View Controllers

Steven Curtis
4 min readMay 21, 2021
Photo by Jo Szczepanska on Unsplash

With an MVP architecture implementation we clearly separate responsibilities in our App (something I’ve covered in my SOLID article.

Now there are a couple of variations of MVP, Passive View and Supervising Controller, but this is intended to be a minimal viable implementation of this architecture (MV MVP, if you will) so take a look at the following and don’t get bogged down in too much detail.

Hey, why not take a look at the video:

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging

This article has been developed using Xcode 12.5, and Swift 5.4



MVC: Model, View and Controller
MVP: Model, View and Presenter

The Difference Between MVC and MVP

