The Power of Tasks in Swift: Concurrency Made Easy

Take it to the task!

Steven Curtis


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

Tasks are part of Swift’s new concurrency model introduced way back in 2021. Essentially a Task allows us to create a concurrent environment from a non-concurrent method. That is we can call async APIs in order to perform work in the background giving us a safe way to manage concurrency.

Let’s look at the detail.

Before we start

Difficulty: Beginner | Easy | Normal | Challenging

This article has been developed using Xcode 14.2, and Swift 5.7.2


Keywords and Terminology:

Task: A task represents a unit of work that can be executed asynchronously, independently of the main thread of the application.

What are Tasks in Swift?

Tasks are a unit of work that can be executed asynchronously, independently on the main thread of the application. That is, you can provide a closure that contains the work for the task to perform.

If you choose to give up a reference to your task you will be unable to wait for it to complete or to cancel it (more on that later).

A task produces a fresh execution context in which to run asyncronous code.

Which is a rather basic explanation. Perhaps this is better with a few examples? If you think you’re getting that if you read on you’d be right.

Key advantages of tasks

  • They will be run in parallel (if it is safe to do so) with other tasks
  • They work with async functions, and are capable of asynchronous execution
  • Tasks have built-in support for cancellation which is useful if they are no longer needed or take too long to execute
  • Swift’s concurrency model is designed to be performant, and Tasks are an integral part of this model

Tasks place work on a queue

